Learn & Practice
Class & Workshop Descriptions
Weekly Classes:
Mindful Yoga
A gentle yoga practice, inviting the student to "be in the pause". Class blends yin and restorative poses, somatic movement, Qi Gong, self-massage and an acupressure point or two. Quiet the mind, soothe the nervous system and increase mind/body awareness . In-person and zoom options.
QiGong for Vitality
Qigong is an age-old gentle movement practice and one of the five healing branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Qigong encourages a smooth flow of Qi (energy) to help the body engage in it's own healing process. Energy warm ups includes self-massage, joint rotation and acupressure. Practice takes place mostly standing, linking poses together in a mindful slow flow. Improve posture and balance, awaken the brain, calm the mind and stimulate circulation. Outside, bring blanket, towel or mat.
Monthly Events:
Bliss Night Out: Rest Yoga, Acupressure Touch, Yoga Nidra & Sound
A blissful end to any day. Relax deeply in restorative yoga poses with Acupressure Touch option and Aromatherapy. Learn a good point or two for Self-Care. Complete the evening with Sound therapy, Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls with precious stones and metals. Bring your own props , a yoga mat , one or two blankets, a small pillow, a block and bolster of you have one. Eye pillow optional. Limited props available . Sweet Dreams .
Seasonal Riverside Day Retreats with Tania & Sue
Inspired by the Five Element teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda practices, this outside day retreat by the Imperial River in Bonita combines Yin yoga, Aromatherapy, Acupressure, Cooking Class, Crystal Singing Bowl Meditation and Seasonal Lunch prepared by Tania and inspired by her cookbook, MEAL ON A PAGE. Learning to live in harmony with the energy of the season is a powerful tool for improving wellness at all levels.
Insight Acupressure Introductory/Self-Care Classes:
Good Point Yoga: Point, Pose, Pause, A Five Element Series (Zoom)
This 90 minute class integrates two ancient healing modalities of acupressure & yoga through restorative yin poses and Insight Acupressure Good Points protocols and touch techniques. Supportive practices include self massage, qigong, sound and somatic movement. Class is done on the mat or comfortably seated. Each class focuses on one of the five elements, a season and common health challenges. 60 day on demand access and handout for follow up practice.
Two-Day Introduction to Insight Acupressure Designed to give a broad overview of the scope and practice of Insight Acupressure, formerly known as Soul Lightening Acupressure. This workshop is ideal for individuals who wish to know more about our work, and are interested in learning a gentle and powerful acupressure technique for balancing and harmonizing body, mind, and spirit. Enjoy many opportunities to exchange bodywork. Learn techniques to use for self-care and with others. No previous bodywork experience required.
Seva Stress Release for Self & Others Our easy to learn, deeply relaxing, signature self-care course. A one day course combined, or three hours each part.
Good Points Self Care Series for Common Conditions Adapted from clinical formulas for self care. Over 20 formulas, quick release points and special conditions. Offered as 60/90 minute classes individually or grouped together in themed workshops and retreats. Can be custom designed and brought to a community near you
Good Points Yoga: A Two-Day Retreat & Learn A relaxing two-day retreat. Learn 41 potent acupressure points & 6 protocols to address common conditions . Practice yin and restorative yoga sequences to integrate with acupressure self care. Learn supportive practices of self massage, tapping, qigong, somatic movement and sound. Includes training material, access to 90 day on-line library, and lunch both days. Two hours intro talks and practices will be sent in advance.Coming March, 2024
Acupressure & Tea Wednesdays : A Self-Care Series. An introduction to the ancient healing art of Acupressure, based on Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Use gentle finger pressure at specific acu points to connect with the meridian subtle energy pathways that flow through tissues, bones and organs, helping keep our joints moist and organs healthy. Each month we will learn new acupressure points to address common health challenges. Floor and Chair Yoga options offered.