Private/Group Offerings
Get your zen on and plan your very own personal or small group retreat. You can host it in your cozy abode or pick a special spot like the Lighthouse Inn, Sasha's Yoga Studio in Cape Cod, or the Summers and Shangri La Springs Hotel in Bonita Springs, FL - how cool is that!? Get ready to stretch, breathe, and bliss out with yoga, qigong, acupressure, sound, and even more! And if you're a Bonita local, you're in luck, as we offer home appointments too. Ready to unwind? Let's make this retreat all yours, you pick the components. (space & travel fee may apply)
PrivatesYoga Therapeutics: Private or Small Group ~ Incorporates breathing, postures, somatic movement and meditative techniques. Class designed to meet the needs of each student. Gentle Yin, Restorative or Chair Yoga, Qigong, Sound, Aromatherapy, etc.. Invite up to 5 friends, at your home or Shangri La Springs. $200 for 90 minutes, travel or room rental rates may apply.
NEW! AcuYogassage© - As a certified Insight Acupressure teacher…..a long time student of Traditional Chinese Medicine…..lover of all things YIN…..and inspired by COVID times of limited touch….I created this signature offer, a practice that integrates acupressure, restorative yin yoga, qigong, sound & massage. $150 for 90 minutes Restorative Yoga ~Private A deeply relaxing yoga practice often known as the “yoga of surrender”. Poses are held longer with the support of props to encourage a deep release, a wonderful opportunity to renew and heal from within. Prepare to “receive” rather than “do” a pose. Very meditative, perfect for anyone dealing with injuries or just daily stress. Perfect alone or in combination with Sound healing with bowls and Reiki. Customized class to meet your needs. $150 for 90 minutes BLISS Nite Out ~ Invite up to 5 family members or friends for any combination of Restorative Yoga, QiGong, Crystal Bowl Sound Healing, Yoga Nidra Meditation in the comfort of your home, beach, gazebo, or studio location. Mini touch treatments of acupressure, reflexology, Reiki, sound. A very special time out. $200-$300, 90-120 minutes Good Points Yoga (GPY), private or small group sessions. Release tension and stress in this gentle yin inspired class that combines mindful movement, restorative poses and acupressure self care. Introduce gentle finger pressure at specific acu points along the chakras and meridian lines of energy as you explore sensation and relax deeply in supportive yin poses. Acupressure helps stimulate the flow of chi in the subtle energy body which flows through connective tissues, bones and organs and helps keep our joints moist and organs healthy. Powered by Insight Acupressure touch techniques and time tested point combinations. Based on five element teachings of Traditional Chinese Medicine, class can be seasonal focused or designed to address specific wellness challenges. Play with the use of yoga therapy balls and other props to encourage surrender and openness in the body. Crystal singing bowl meditation completes the class. A practice of no expectations. Everyone is welcome. $150 for Privates, $200 invite up to 5 friends, 90 Minutes. |
Coaching/MentoringSound Healing
Crystal Singing Bowl Lessons - 1/2 hr no charge with any bowl purchase. Learn the basics of sound therapy, caring for and playing your bowl in an authentic manner. No musical experience required, it's intuitive! $150 90 minutes Reiki Attunements - Individual or small group sessions . Dates TBD based on requests. Plus..... QiGong Small Group Acupressure Self Care Holistic Business Mentoring |